Case Studies

Welcome to the case study section of the SPAN website. Our members have written case studies highlighting the successes and challenges of Space missions. The aim is to inspire, inform, or explain why Space missions are so valuable to our society.


Innovation in Ptolemy

PTOLEMY is an evolved gas analyser, which obtains accurate measurements of isotopic ratios of light elements. It was one of ten instruments on the Philea lander of the Rosetta Mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Authors: Piece adapted from STFC Food network post with review by Dr Geraint Morgan

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The Cassini-Huygens Mission

A description of UK involvement in the ESA, NASA, and Italian Space Agency mission, highlighting some of the challenges, discoveries and successes. Author: Professor David Southwood CBE

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Solar Orbiter

This case study outlines the benefits of UK involvement in the Solar Orbiter mission prior to launch. Author: Paul Eccleston

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SmallSats as an Enabler of Innovation

A Case Study of Satellite Quantum Key Distribution and Space Quantum Technologies

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Highlights of Five Case Studies by SPAN Fellows

The case studies were prepared for the UK Space Agency to support the business case for future investments in the European Space Agency. The funding for the case studies was awarded under the direction of the National Space Partnership whilst operating a pilot programme from January 2022 to March 2022.

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16 December 2022

Key Milestone in the SWOT Mission!

Congratulations to UK scientists involved in the SWOT mission which will launch tonight. Take a look at SWOT - Surface Water and Ocean Topography

11 November 2022

Dual-Use Workshop 5th of December

SPAN has coordinated a workshop for its members to engage with Government (civil and defence) and UK Space to discuss opportunities for dual-use of technology, missions and applications. Outputs from the workshop will feed into a UK Space...